24 - Crottin De Chavignol (60G) (Goat) - Beillevaire

The name crottin is also related to viticulture because it is that of the small oil lamps that are used to better guide oneself in the darkness of the cellars. They inspired the shape of the mold. The most famous of the raw goat's milk cheeses from Berry. Crottin de Chavignol has a downy, blue-grey rind. Its white paste is firm, its fine grain is brittle. Its flavor is powerful, nutty. Dimension: 4-5 cm; Thickness: 3-4cm Milk : Unpasteurised goat's milk Mature time: 2-8 weeks

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It can either be enjoyed with a slice of fresh bread and butter or cooked. -Store at a temperature between 4-8°C and keep the product in the refrigerator after opening.

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