Xúc Xích - Levoni - Salame Ungherese 1.7kg | EXP 17/03/2025 Register now to see the price favorite Coming soon
Thịt bò muối - Beef Cecina Iberica (~1kg) - Olmeda Origenes weight~1KG/PC (Order Register now to see the price favorite
Thịt đầu thăn ngoại bò Úc - Cube Roll Wagyu MB 4/5 F1 Red 400Days Grain Fed Australia (~6kg) - Stockyard weight~6KG/PC (Order Register now to see the price favorite Coming soon
Phụ Gia Thực Phẩm - Louis Francois - Agar Agar 1kg| EXP30/04/2025 Register now to see the price favorite