BỘT KIỀU MẠCH - LA SARRASINE - FARINE DE SARRASIN 1KG | EXP 23/04/2025 Register now to see the price favorite -38%
Phi lê Cá Dây Matodai FRZ Japan (140-180g) - Nippon Premium Register now to see the price favorite -49%
Thịt Heo Phile Không Xương Đông Lạnh - Frozen Pork Solomillo (~625G) - Joselito | EXP 24/01/2025 weight~0.625KG/PC (Order Register now to see the price favorite -55%
THỊT NGUỘI - 1265 - COPPA ARROSTO ~1.2 KG | EXP 12/03/2025 weight~1.2KG/PC (Order Register now to see the price favorite -64%