215 - Camembert De Normandie Bonchoix Aop (250G) (Cow) - Beillevaire

There is no other cheese than the famous Camembert de Normandie AOP! The specifications of the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) require molding with a ladle, spaced at least 40 minutes between each pass, in order to let the curd rest to develop all its flavors. The Camembert de Normandie AOP produced at the Fromagerie du Val-de-Sienne reveals very characteristic undergrowth odors. Its light yellow paste is slightly salty, and has tasty aromas of the Normandy terroir. It is a mould ripened cheese with white rind, yellow paste and a creamy texture. It has a powerful taste with intense earthy and mushroom flavours. Milk : Unpasteurised cow's milk Mature time: 3-5 weeks

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-Store at a temperature between 4-8°C and keep the product in the refrigerator after opening.

Data sheet
