Thịt sườn bò Úc có xương Stanbroke shortloin 1rib mb2 black angus (~7kg) | EXP 06/04/2025 weight~10KG/PC (Order Register now to see the price favorite -63,53%
Thịt đầu thăn ngoại bò Úc - Cube Roll Wagyu MB 9+ F1 Kiwami 500Days Grain Fed Australia (~6kg) - Stockyard weight~6KG/PC (Order Register now to see the price favorite Coming soon
Thịt gà mái nguyên con đông lạnh Mieral-Poulet prêt à cuire surgelé(Volaille de Bresse)1,25-1,35kg weight~1.3KG/PC (Order Register now to see the price favorite Coming soon