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Fuit juice & Smoothies
Có 17 sản phẩm.
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Nước Ép Ổi Tươi Thanh Trùng - Fresh Pasteurized Guava Juice (1.5L)- Juicy V
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Nước Ép Thanh Long Tươi Thanh Trùng - Fresh Pasteurized Dragonfruit Juice (1.5L)- Juicy V | EXP 09/03/2025
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- -80%
Nước Ép Dứa Tươi - Fresh Pasteurized Pineapple Juice (250ML)- Juicy V | EXP 12/03/2025
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- -75%
Nước Ép Xoài Tươi - Fresh Pasteurized Mango Juice (250ML) - Juicy V
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Nước Ép Ổi Tươi - Fresh Pasteurized Guava Juice (250ML) - Juicy V
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Nước Ép Thanh Long Tươi - Fresh Pasteurized Dragonfruit Juice (250ML) - Juicy V
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Nước Ép Ổi Tươi Thanh Trùng - Fresh Pasteurized Guava Juice (250ML) - Juicy V
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Nước Ép Dứa Tươi Thanh Trùng - Fresh Pasteurized Pineapple Juice (3L)- Juicy V
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Nước Ép Xoài Tươi Thanh Trùng - Fresh Pasteurized Mango Juice (1.5L)- Juicy V
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