Pa tê gan vịt - Terrine 50% Foie-gras Morilles & Armagnac 110g | EXP 14/03/2025 Register now to see the price favorite -20%
6201 - Đùi gà tháo khớp đông lạnh - Le Traiteur - FRZ Chicken Whole Leg ~1kg | EXP 24/01/2025 weight~1KG/PC (Order Register now to see the price favorite -40%
Xi rô vị bạc hà - Rioba Bar Syrup Mint 0,7L | EXP 19/01/2025 Register now to see the price favorite -70%
Phi lê cá đông lạnh - Splendid Alfonsino 160-260g filets - NIPPON PREMIUM | EXP 28/02/2025 weight~1KG/PC (Order Register now to see the price favorite -35%