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JC David

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Có 13 sản phẩm.
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Rillettes Cá Tuyết Chấm Đen - Haddock Rillettes (90G) - J.C.David
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Terrine Sò Điệp Kem Chua - Terrine Of Scallops With Creme Fraiche (100G) - J.C.David
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Trứng cá thu ngâm dầu - Mackerel Eggs With Olive Oil (75G) - J.C.David
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Xốt bơ - Sauce Beurre Blanc (190G) - J.C.David | EXP 25/06/2025
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Xốt Hollandaise - Sauce Hollandaise (190G) - J.C.David | EXP 30/05/2025
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